Friday, December 4, 2009

I want to go into the Air Force when I get out of High School - see extension?

I want to go into the Air Force when i get out of high school, but i don't know how to break it to my parents b/c my sister wants to write and she wants to go into some kind of english career. my uncle, my aunt, and both of my grandpas were in the armed forces, my uncle in the air force, maybe b/c my uncle told me stories. i have no idea, but i told my parents that i was thinking about the military, but they flipped out at me and were like, "why can't u be more like your sister" or "there are other ways to serve your country than to go out and fight. you could be a doctor or a lawyer." personally, i have never liked any of that stuff. i don't know what i should do, can anyone tell me if i should go into the air force or should i do something else and go along w/ my parents?? can someone please help me?!?!?

I want to go into the Air Force when I get out of High School - see extension?paramount theater

Joining the Air Force was the best thing that I ever did with my life. I was 20 years old, failing college, living with my parents, hardly making any money, and watching all of my friends do things with their I finally decided to do something with mine. My family comes from a big military background as well and it was an easy decision for what branch to go into such as the Air Force. The military in general is not for everyone. Its a big lifestyle change that you will need to become assumed to. You're parents are naturally scared because they love you and don't want you to get hurt, which the chances of that happening with you in the Air Force depending on what career field you get, are slim to none. The Air Force is a GREAT way to meet to friends that you'll keep for life, get an education, see the world, make an honest paycheck, and be a part of an organization that you can feel proud to be in. Looks great on a resume if you decide to get out in four years as well. You're YOUNG and time is on your side, I know four years sounds like a really long time but it goes by SO fast. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do.

I want to go into the Air Force when I get out of High School - see extension?theatre opera theater

i donno
If you want to go into the Air Force then no one should stop you. Once you are 18, your parents will have no say. If you really want to join up, then your parents should support you. They are just scared of losing you. Reassure them that there are plenty of Non-Combat units and jobs in the Air Force.
If that's something that you really want to do, go for it. There is a program called the National Call to Service, which is a 15 month enlistment followed by 2 years in the reserves. You can get half of the benefits of the G.I. Bill to help pay for college. Look into it. I did this myself. Make sure the recruiter explains EVERYTHING to your understanding. The Air Force is probably the "safest" branch of the military to go into, unless you include the Coast Guard. Look into whatever endeavor that you pursue, but remember to follow your heart because you only get one life, and it's yours to live.
You seem to be at the age to know the decision's you make will affect YOU in the future. Go to the recruiting center and ASK questions. Not just the air force. The navy has many more training options available if I remember correctly. Its been a few years for me. I was on Submarines for 6 years.

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